November was another excellent month; it is hard to believe how fast the fall has gone!
We continue to make gains in student attendance and are working diligently to increase student achievement and growth. We are excited to announce the hiring of a full-time instructional specialist that will work directly with grade level teams and at promise students to support our mission and vision.
Nomebber brought us our more clubs on campus, we brought back the Mossdale Spelling Bee, celebrated T1 honor roll students, recited the Pledge of Allegiance on the radio, concluded the ACORN league basketball season and much more.
As a staff, we continue to work diligently to meet every student where they are. As always, Mossdale is a place Where The Making Of Success Stories Happens Daily!
Please do not hesitate to contact us if there is anything we can do to support your student in any way!
Anthony Chapman Principal |
You may be aware, but in case you aren't - Mossdale School has implemented a new attendance incentive program this year! Classes compete against each other and have the chance to earn class rewards based on the number of days they have perfect attendance as a class. These awards range from a popsicle party to Mossdale sunglasses, stickers, extra recess time or even a class BBQ!
For the month of November, as a school we have increased our daily attendance by 1.5% compared to this time last year. We averaged 95.5% of students attending school daily! Keep it up punctual and present Jaguars! |
We would like to congratulate all spelling bee participants and winners! During November, all class winners competed schoolwide against each other in two divisions, grades 4-6 and grades 7-8. Later in the month, Mossdale winners in each division competed against schools within our region (MUSD Schools in Lathrop) to earn the right to compete at San Joaquin County Spelling Bee!
Congratulations to Ilias Popal and Eshamei Payopay for winning the Region 2 Spelling Bee! Ilias won the 4th-6th grade division, while Eshamei won the 7th-8th grade division.
A few pictures from each of the bees are below. Great job Jaguars! |
On Friday, November 17th, KAT Country 103.3 visited campus and our leadership students led the Pledge of Allegiance which was played over the radio in the morning! |
See below for dress up days if interested in participating. Go Jaguars! |
Hello Mossdale Jaguars, it's Officer Dominguez!
It is time for this month's 'SRO tip'. With that being said I encourage students to be aware of their surroundings and to report any suspicious activity to a teacher or a school resource officer like myself or other trusted adult. If possible, students should walk in groups or pairs when traveling to and from school and avoid using their phones or other electronic devices to remain vigilant. Remember, it’s important to work together to keep our schools safe!
Pictured are our officers (left to right): Ofc. S. Memory, Ofc. M. Hector, Ofc. C. Armstrong and Ofc. T. Dominguez. |
If your child has lost an item, we do have a lost and found on campus! Feel free to contact the office if you would like to view these items. After winter break we will be donating all unclaimed items to help with our storage, be sure to check in on these items before December 15 if you have something missing! |
Congratulations to both our boys and girls basketball teams for making the playoffs! Both teams had a fantastic season, with our girls team finishing runner up in all of MUSD. Congrats to all involved on a successful season!
Boys and girls volleyball will begin after winter break, more information will be out soon. |
The GECAC after school program continues to grow! We are grateful for our partnership with Give Every Child a Chance! |
Mossdale office hours will be from 7:30am to 3:30pm. |
December 8: Power of the Paw Assemblies
December 8-15: PTA Holiday Store December 11: School Site Council December 15: Minimum Day December 18-Jan 3: Winter Break January 4: Return to School/First Day Back from Winter Break January 8-19: MAP Testing January 11: PTA Movie Night January 12: Minimum Day Schedule January 15: No School/Martin Luther King Day January 18: 8th Grade Preview Day @ Lathrop HS January 22-26: Goal Setting Conferences January 22-26: Book Fair |
 | Anthony Chapman Mr. Chapman is using SMORE to create the Jaguar Journal |